Stretch your body and mind - Group Stretch Class in Shine Body & Soul

Do you like stretch? Do you think you have to stretch your body every day for better health?


Our group stretch is little bit different from normal stretch session, normally most people imagine that stretch session will be held by therapist. 

Our stretch class is more like Yoga class, like these are some movements you try, and instructor adjust you a little bit. 


Perfect if you want to make your recovery time faster! 


Let me share my own experience first, I was very stiff, and I never thought that I would become a stretch instructor in the future like now, that time I was too bad that I didn't notice myself, my body was too stiff, I never realized. But I had migraine and nose allergy.


Something I never experienced happened it was so comfortable and almost there were nothing I found them difficult about the movements (even though I could identify some of them were quite tiring to continue but I manage to finish the class peacefully).

Interesting thing happened because I realized that this stretch movements are not just stretching my muscle to relax, it is about promoting my healing process.


My shoulder immediately got relief after the stretch, which was really surprising me a lot because I am type of person that never enjoy massage, but I know I had headache that affect by my shoulder and neck I believe. It was more than receiving massage because since I couldn't relax by receiving massage, so I always got even tensed muscle after the massage. My injury knee also got better, knee case I want to say it took longer to heal than the shoulders, but definite change about knee was I tend to have swollen knee if I used too much as I suffer ACL tear and damaged meniscus, I noticed that swollen and the pain relieved after the stretch movements. 


I didn't expect this happened, so I felt like I got the bonus by attending the session. 

Originally, I knew this stretch movements from the book of Reiki written by one of Reiki practitioner, Mr Asuke, long time ago, with his book actually he was not mentioning "Reiki" but "te-a-te ryoho" (healing modality with hands), I just curious about this stretch movements as I saw many pictures and stories in the book that was something hard for me to imagine. I couldn't find this class for long time in Japan, since the book was also published quite some time ago in Japan, I am afraid that there were no more those stretch class available in Japan, but finally I could find the class so I attended them. 


For now, I know the movements help my body digest well, sleep well and eat well, establishes my emotional healing and stable mentality.


I learnt from these stretch movements was;


In our daily activities most of them are about wasting our energy, for example, work, exercise, dancing, singing, reading, watching or else, those are feelings of great, excitement, happy and refreshing, but we normally experience fatigue from them as well.


On the other hand, what I experienced with this stretch movements were opposite, I know I got better and even energized after the session, it sounds like I was boosted up the energy, felt like total healing my body. 


This is amazing, and I found some similarities with Reiki practice - This is all about gaining energy, boosting up energy and real rest that we can have with this stretching movements. 


Real rest helps our body system work properly and raise our healing ability too. It helps us speedy healing and emotionally uplifted, helps detox and promote healthy digestion. 


I was thinking for long time about health, like what should I eat, what should I not do, what should I take for better health... we often try this or try that, like endless...


Please join our group stretch class to understand your body energy condition and receive proper rest and healing! 



Satoe Sasaki

MoveForLife Group Stretch Instructor 

The classes are available in Causeway Bay, Mon, Thu, Sat. 


Please click HERE to check our class schedule and booking.

Shine Body & Soul Healing Center | 心耀堂


Address: C5, 2/F, Block C, Paterson Bldg, 37 Paterson St, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Email: Phone 3689-7116 What'sapp 60194671