Satoe Sasaki Usui Reiki Master/Teacher (NPO Japan Reiki Association), MoveForLife Stretching exercise Instructor
Born in 1978
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Current City: Hong Kong from 2000
I set up Shine Body & Soul Healing Center in 2011 in HK.
Shine body & soul name means exactly it is the place for us to shine our body and soul!
"Let's imagine the size of the universe, when you are worried about something"
This phrase was what my father used to tell me when he was still alive, and I didn't realize that this phrase is still helping my daily life a lot when I feel depressed!
"What do you find in one picture?" I believe "opening our mind" is the solution of lots of issues in our life, like when I pointed one same picture and asked 100 person about what do you find in one picture, probably every person finds the different angle in the picture. To understand about self and others and about the world, it is the key to how to open your mind, is also the key to how to spend the most happiness and healthy life!
I believe treating emotions and mentality are becoming more important for opening our mind, and we have lots of things to do in order to get all ready. Healing is of course treating your physical levels as well as your mental and emotional level.
Shine Body Soul continues providing services to both people in Hong Kong and outside Hong Kong, the sessions and classes can be chosen on-site or online.
2010.Feb: Qualified Usui Reiki teacher from NPO Japan Reiki Association
2012 July: Learn about stretching movement from Mrs Asuke and Ms Yonezawa in Japan, which provides a basis for my stretching exercise class
Shine Body Soul is taking a role of NPO Japan Reiki Association Hong Kong chapter.
笹木 里絵 臼井レイキ師範(NPO日本レイキ協会)、ストレッチインストラクター
SHINE Body & Soul Healing Centre(心耀堂公司) 代表
Shine Body & Soul という名前は、身体と魂を輝かせるという意味です。皆さんにサービスを提供することで、輝かしい人生をぜひ送ってほしいという願いからこの名前をつけました。
2012年夏 足助体操(私が開催するストレッチ体操クラスの基礎はこの体操にあります)に出会う、足助照子先生と米澤典子先生からご教示いただく